Golfer Pacific New Zealand

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101 Holes in a Day

Castlecliff Golf Club
By Rodney Donaldson

Jack (18), Ryan (16) and Rodney Donaldson (34) completed the 101 Holes in a single day on Wednesday 18th December in very trying conditions!!!

Teeing off at 6:15am after the light conditions didn’t allow them to start at 5:30am like predicted. They had two long stops that were about 30 to 45 minutes each, due to being absolutely drenched so they came in, showered, got re-dressed before going back out in slightly better conditions. Those breaks came after 23 holes and after 47 holes. The last stop finished at 1:30pm and they played 54 holes non-stop to finish the 101st hole at 7:05pm to the applause of about 20 people that came out to watch.

Huge thanks to Rotary North who have purchased the defibrillator for Castlecliff Golf Club, which will arrive in the New Year. Special thanks go to our Pit Crew for the day, our dad (Mark), sister (Jodie) and brother-in-law (James) who helped us get through. Special thanks also go out to the people who popped out to see us and support us throughout the day as well as the people who came to see us finish out.

Most importantly however they managed to raise over $3500 for the defibrillator for the club, which could save someone’s life and you can’t really put a price on that so a huge thanks to the members that sponsored us to do it for this great cause.

Photos and some videos are on