Golfer Pacific New Zealand

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Golf Australia has recently taken advantage of the Trans-Tasman travel bubble

Golf Australia has recently taken advantage of the Trans-Tasman travel bubble and sent a squad to play Golf New Zealand's recently selected National Academy.

The two squads met at Gulf Harbour Country Club last week for three days of team match play. Unfortunately, with Victoria going into lockdown just days before the Golf Australia squad was set to fly over the Tasman Sea, three players and two staff could not make the trip.

Two young professionals subbed in as honorary Australians, meaning the National Academy could test their skills against international competition as well as some professional competition.

Day one was a version of reverse singles, day two was four-ball, and day three was singles. A total of 25-points were up for grabs, and the players were keen to get underway against their rival neighbours.

After a close first two days, the Golf Australia squad held a slender one-point lead heading into the final day of singles. The visitors held tough, and despite a hard-fought five-all result, they managed to complete a narrow win 13 points to 12.

The week's highlight was a hole-in-one from National Academy member Carmen Lim on the eighth during the final day's singles matches.