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Major New Zealand golf conference planned for next year

Major New Zealand golf conference planned for next year

By Neville Idour.

A recent press release revealed an exciting event being planned for next August.

The New Zealand Golf Industry Council (NZGIC) reported on progress for the Golf Matters' New Zealand Golf Conference. This will be the first conference of its kind in New Zealand, even possibly the world.

Par NZ Corporate Events was engaged in May to deliver the conference. It is an exciting prospect and Denise Langdon of Par NZ said: “It is early stages yet but we hope to name the venue in October along with the facilities and venue partners.”

Auckland, Christchurch and Queenstown are thought to have the front running as hosts.

Langdon added: “The conference will have several components such as key speakers, forum time, workshop sessions and expo aspects.”

NZGIC chairman Sam Sullivan explained: “We are bringing everyone together for what we have all been missing, a face to face collaborative and informative three days, effectively the whole industry in one location.

``Key areas will be the presentation and engagement of industry leaders, golfing legends, plus thought provoking and engaging speakers from around the world, either in person or virtually.”

NZGIC is in discussions with all areas of the industry such as golf clubs, retail, equipment, green keeping suppliers and equipment, media, travel and tourism, web design, social media as well as areas like human resources, accounting, business planning and general management to produce an array of exhibitors. The aim is to attract all involved in golf.

In fact this will be the first time that all sectors of the golf industry have come together for a joint conference and trade show. Clearly it has the potential to provide a wonderful opportunity for networking, sharing information about new initiatives, concepts, research and best practices happening within the golf industry.

It is the intention that this event will incorporate the New Zealand Professional Golfers’ Association, New Zealand Golf Course Superintendents' Association and Golf Managers' Association of New Zealand annual conferences.

The expo element with what is described as a plethora of exhibitors will be an exciting part of the overall event. All that is required for this to happen and be a success is for buy-in from all involved in golf which includes the golf equipment and apparel industries.

Registration for the conference opens on January 1. —