Golfer Pacific New Zealand

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Otago win South Island Masters Interprovincial

The Otago Masters team of Andrew Hobbs, Chris Snow, Brent McEwan, Tony Giles, Travis Cook and John McIntee

The South Island Masters Interprovincial representative event once again returned to Canterbury recently with Masters teams from the respective South Island associations all in attendance. As ever the event was played in competitive and good spirits with the contest tight throughout the weekend in fine conditions at host club Waitikiri Golf Club. It was the Otago team that took the spoils.

The Otago team with 3 rookies Snow, McEwan and Giles played Tasman and Aorangi on Saturday and won both 4 1/2 to 1 1/2. go

Sunday was against the hosts and Otago’s close neighbours Southland. With a number of tight games throughout the day Otago ended with a win over Canterbury and a lost to Southland 2 1/2 to 3 1/2.

But with that loss Otago was still able to take out the South Island Master over Aorangi who also won 3 of there 4 matches.

Snow was unbeaten with 2 win and 2 halves, Hobbs 3 wins, Giles 3 wins, McIntee 3 wins, Cook 1 win 2 halves and McEwan who came up against some very strong opposition in his first outing for Otago in a number of years had 1 win.