Golfer Pacific New Zealand

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Roxburgh Golf Club is celebrating 100 years of holding its Annual August Tournament

By Ann Hill

Roxburgh Golf Club is celebrating 100 years of holding its Annual August Tournament. This has always been a crowd pleaser especially as it was formerly held in the August School holidays over 4 days. Nowadays, School holidays are much later so numbers travelling to tournaments are reduced. However after last year’s Covid shutdown, we had a wonderful 2 days of golf with full fields for both days, including the 36 hole competition. Historically school children were available for caddying in their school holidays and earned a bit of extra pocket money. However, more and more golfers use motorised carts on the course and have battery operated golf carts, so there is little caddying. The Roxburgh Golf Club is celebrating 100 years of August Tournaments with an evening of entertainment with Jamie Mackay and Eric Olsen, two very gifted speakers on Friday 20 August at 7pm in the Roxburgh Rugby Club Pavilion, followed by a light supper. A very warm welcome is extended to all past and present members and their partners to attend. Registration is essential by contacting Heather Hiscock, 021 2960395 or John Pannett, 021 685056 The cost is $25 and please direct credit Roxburgh Golf Club 02 0953 0018314 00, reference Surname and 100T