Golfer Pacific New Zealand

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Shand Salver comes down to the last game, while one team runs away with the Development Quadrangular

Shand Salver comes down to the last game-

Summer hung on for another day at Marton Golf Club with temperatures topping out at 27 degrees, some of the golf on the course matched the temperature. 

The event played recently.

The Wellington Development teams eased away to win the Quadrangular.  in the morning against Hawkes Bay, they won 7 1/2 - 2 1/2 and 9 - 1 in the afternoon round against Manawatu Wanganui.  The team went through the event undefeated.  Taranaki finished runner up.


Taranaki put themselves in a prime position to win the Shand Salver defeated defending champions Manawatu Wanganui 3 -1 in the morning round, while the Hawkes Bay and Wellington match finished all square.  That put Taranaki on 4 points with Hawkes Bay the only team able to catch them on two points, and both teams playing each other in the afternoon.  Hawkes Bay was not going to go down easily and going to the last remaining match had sown up the two points for winning the tie and also pulled level on total matches.  The last match tipped Taranaki's way for them to win the Shand Salver by half a match.

Many of the player's focus now moves to the Manawatu Wanganui Age Group Championships starting on Thursday morning at Rangitikei Golf Club.

Shand Salver Quad

Manawatu Wanganyui vs Taranaki (Manawatu Wanagnui names first)

Fred McVerry lost to James Smithson 5/4
Sera Raj lost to Brodie Ferguson 7/6
Denzil Viper-Tatana defeated Liam Harvey 5/4
Remy Early lost to Jac Van Prehen 4/3

Wellington vs Hawkes Bay (Wellington names first)
Jamie Frew defeated Jared Lines 5/4
Dominic Hazeldine defeated Sach Pickering 7/5
Alec Prentice lost to Reuben Harris 3/2
Harry Ward lost to Zack Swanwick 3/2

Wellington v Manawatu Wanganui (Wellington names first)
Jamie Frew defeated Fred McVerrt 1 Up
Dominic Hazeldine defeated Sera Raj 6/4
Alec Prentice defeated Denzil Viper-Tatana 2/1
Harry Ward defeated Remy Early 4/3

Hawkes Bay vs Taranaki (Hawkes Bay names first)
Jared Lines defeated James Smithson 1 Up
Sacha Pickering halved with Brodie Ferguson
Reuben Harris lost to Liam Harvey 1 Down
Zack Swanwick defeated Jack Van Prehn 4/3

Final Standings
1.  Taranaki
2.  Hawkes Bay
3.  Wellington
4.  Manawatu Wanganui

Development Quadrangular

Manawatu Wanganui vs Taranaki (Manawatu Wanganui names first)
Zara Lynch defeated Daylen McArthur 3/2
Ryan Block lost to Olly Campbell 4/2
Theo Santos lost to Jackson Moorhead 5/3
Tori Maraku lost to Jamie Anderson 2/1
Ryan Bremner defeated Brayden Hills 3/2
Jack Clarke halved with Harlum Crean-Wilson
Liam Bremner defeated Harrison downs 2/1
Diego Rosson halved with Alex Brooke
Bradley Morgan lost to Dillin Plimmer 5/4
Jerome Robinson lost to Kingston Taylor-Voyle 6/5

Wellington vs Hawkes bay (Wellington names first)
Toaiva Faafia defeated Leo Huata 2 up
Sam Jiang lost to Sean hartley 7/6
Hugo Sidford halved with Kaden Diehl
John Son defeated William Rowlings 7/6
Victoria Faafia defeated Millie Adsett 5/4
Teisa Mania-Vaka defeated Emmanuel Uili-Vassili 8/7
Sissy Pelayo defeated Blair Hastie 4/2
Caleb Tiatua defeated George Bidwell 3/2
Lane Jiang defeated Saul Barker 4/3
Riley Moy lost to Cordell Henare 2/1

Wellington vs Manawatu Wanganui (Wellington names first)
Toaiva Faafia defeated Zara Lynch 4/3
Sam Jiang defeated Ryan Block 2 Up
Hugo Sidford defeated Theo Santos 4/2
John Son defeated Tori Maraku 5/4
Victoria Faafia defeated Ryan Bremner 2 Up
Teisa Mania-Vaka defeated Jack Clarke 4/3
Sissy Pelayo lost to Liam Bremner 2/1
Caleb Tiatua defeated Diego Rosson 4/3
Lane Jiang defeated Bradley Morgan 5/4
Riley Moy defeated Jerome Robinson 5/4

Hawkes Bay vs Taranaki (Hawkes Bay names first)
Leo Huata lost to Daylen McArthur 2/1
Sean Hartley lost to Olly Campbell 8/7
Kaden Diehl lost to Jackson Moorhead 2/1
William Rowlings defeated Jamie Anderson 5/4
Millie Adsett halved with Brayden Hills
Emmanuel Uili-Vassili lost to Harlum Crean-Wilson 8/7
Blair Hastie lost to Harrison Downs 2 Down
George Bidwell lost to Alex Brooke 5/4
Saul Baker lost to Dillin Plimmer 2/1
Cordell Henare lost to Kingston Taylor-Voyle 1 Down

Final Standings
1.  Wellington
2.  Taranaki
3.  Hawkes Bay
4.  Manawatu Wanganui