Golfer Pacific New Zealand

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Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Saturday 13th March - Comp PAR:


Kelvin Burt +2, Sean Khov +1, Liz Kinloch

& Graeme Stephens -1, Alan Wix - 2, & Jill Hall -3.


Chris Duffy sq, Varina Mitchell & Cynthia Luckham -2,

Richard Holden -4, Kevin Taylor -5, Tania Hurpur &

Stew de Burgh -6.

Twos: Ken Boyle - 3rd.

Closest to Pin on 16th - Kelvin Burt.

Lucky Draw: Lynne McDonald


Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Wednesday 17th May - Comp Stableford:

Varina Mitchell 38pts, Karen Yorke & Neville Berendt 36pts,

Kelvin Burt 35pts, Joe Yorke 34pts, Lynne McDonald &

Geoff Ingram 33pts, Dave Fitzpatrick, Wallace Miller,

Edith Leary, Noel Crocker, Russell Kane, Alan Wix,

& Dan Scotson.

Twos: Alan Wix, Garry Edwards - 3rd, Joe Yorke - 12th,

Geoff Ingram & Kelvin Burt - 16th.

Best Stableford on 16, 17 & 18 - Chris Duffy & Varina Mitchell 8pts.


Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Saturday 20th May - Comp Medal.


Geoff Ingram nett 72, Pete Masters nett 73, Alan Wix &

Sean Khov nett 74, Roger Perkins nett 75, & by lot

Ron Harris nett 78.


Dan Scotson nett 69, Scott Ewens net 70,

Anna Cullen nett 73, Wendal Masters nett 74,

& Mathew Cullen nett 77.

Nearest the Pin on 12th: Graeme Stephens

Lucky Drawer: Stella Berendt.