Golfer Pacific New Zealand

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Airport expansion threatens golf course operations in Nelson

Airport expansion threatens golf course operations in Nelson

The number of people highly annoyed by airport noise is expected to increase by almost 200% when a new runway extension is built.

The proposed plan changes would allow Nelson airport to extend its runway by 370m into the Nelson Golf Course. On top of that, a further 36 houses would be exposed to the highest levels of noise, with the airport required to insulate windows in a bid to help lessen the impact on residents.

However, the period allowed to make submissions on the changes has been questioned by some who say there’s not enough time for the public to fully understand and respond to the complicated documents.

The council publicly notified the airport’s application to amend its current designations on Saturday, June 10. The consultation period runs until 4pm on July 10.

Any plan to extend the runway would require further resource consent applications at the time.

Nelson Airport chief executive Mark Thompson said the application aimed to protect and provide for the airport’s current and future operations, including the ability to extend the runway within the next 10 to 15 years, by ensuring appropriate land designations and zoning were in place.

“Our runway is among the shortest in the world catering for ATR aircraft and is expected to be too short for future low-emissions aircraft,” he said.

“Expert advisors tell us these aircraft are likely to require longer take-off and landing facilities than we currently provide.”

Under the proposed changes, noise contours would be changed to “more accurately reflect the expected future level of noise generated by the airport”, commercial manager Simon Barr said. The number of people impacted by the highest level of noise – 65 decibels or louder – would increase by 36.

The number of people “highly annoyed” compared to current noise levels was also expected to increase from 173 to 509.