Michael Hill’s jewel

By Neville Idour

This is a first for me — a book review — and it isn’t a golf book in the true sense, although golf is part of it.  

But I found it so humorous, absorbing and uplifting I thought why not? 

Sir Michael Hill, jeweller, golfer, violinist and philanthropist, is also an accomplished and clever cartoonist with a unique style. 

He started “doodling”, as he calls it, when he was 19 years old. So on and off over a 60 year period he has amassed over 1000 cartoons. So what does one do with 1000 cartoons? Enter daughter-in-law Monika Hill who proceeded to assemble them into a cohesive group which became a massive and time-consuming task. 

She said: “Many, of course, were funny on their own but it was actually a lot of fun to do.” 

The result was Catch & Release, a 412-page quality book that has proven popular in the short time it has been available. Interestingly Central Otago readers of the local Scene newspaper have been able to enjoy a weekly new offering from Hill as resident cartoonist.

In Hill’s words: “It has quirky quotes and plenty of nonsense to go with some of the cartoons.” 

In fact it has much more than that. There are many wise and humorous homilies and quotes throughout the book, often by well known people past and present and also Hill himself. Many of Hill’s comments and images give an insight into his early years, his family life, aspirations and success in business.

The beauty of the book is you can enjoy it in several doses or, as I found, I didn’t want to leave it too long between each session. 

Some of his quotes are so true. “I always employ people that I know will be better than me and cover my weaknesses. They actually lift me up with them.” 

“Treat everyone you meet as an equal. Never be judgemental, disrespectful or intolerant. This way, you give even the roughest diamond the chance to surprise you.”

And from former All Black Kees Meeuws: “Do not worry about reputation. Concern yourself with character. Reputation is what people think of you, character is what you are.”

Hill’s humility and modesty is evident throughout this remarkable publication. It is a nicely presented and high quality book that will delight its owners and any visitors for years as it sits in easy reach on a coffee table. I highly recommend it. At around $40 it is a steal.

CATCH & RELEASE – a life of art, thoughts and nonsense. It is available from Paper Plus and The Hills Clubhouse in Arrowtown.