With Phillis Meti selected as the New Zealand Long Blacks captain for the newly announced women's national team, IGANZ is on the scout for the fastest and longest drivers in the nation. Phillis is a 3 x World Long Drive Champion, 3 x New Zealand Champion and 2 x World Record Breaker. Known as the Golden Gal to the sport Phillis has set the bar for both women and men. Growing the women's division is a crucial part of the sports growth on the global stage and equally a core value for the IGANZ collective. Another IGANZ Long Drive Champion is Nicola Dick who is now living in Australia. Nicola and husband Iain Dick who is a New Zealand Long Black (Original) is famously promoted as the power couple who we are proud to note in IGANZ sports history. The global pandemic has slowed up many sporting events around the world and with this IGANZ has taken the initiative to have a virtual platform in place, signing a collaboration with American company Optishot. The digital platform allows players and venues to test and qualify big hitters for events. The OptiShot platform is currently being designed with the IGANZ - XDR Grid and will be available in June 2021. IGANZ is welcoming club events, these simply put can be a longest drive hosted on a hole within a Golf event or run as a Long Drive event separately. Golf venues will be listed on the IGANZ website and will get the support required e.g information and promotion.
IGANZ is looking forward to more community events and giving back how we can to bring more women into the sport of Long Drive and also to find the nations Xtreme Drivers to wear the national uniform. Qualifiers are open for registration at
IGANZ would like to thank Phillis and Nicola for being great ambassadors to the sport and who are both etched in IGANZ sports history.
Phillis Meti - Captain New Zealand Long Blacks
* Women Nicola Dick - IGANZ Champion