Golf Matters NZ Golf Conference making progress towards August 2022

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Golf Matters NZ Golf Conference making progress towards August 2022


The New Zealand Golf Industry Council (NZGIC) is pleased to report on progress towards our “whole of golf goal” conference.


In May this year NZGIC engaged PaR nz Corporate Events to deliver the conference on behalf of the industry.  PaR nz are currently applying to several government tourism bodies for support and funding.  Christchurch is a popular destination, as is Auckland and Queenstown.  Final venue partners, the location and the conference facilities are due to be announced by October.


“We are bringing everyone together for what we have all been missing, a face to face, collaborative and informative three days – the whole industry in one location.” Said Sam Sullivan (NZGIC Chairman).


Key areas of delivery are the presentation and engagement of industry leaders, golfing legends, and high-profile speakers from around the globe – in person or with exciting virtual attendance.   


NZGIC are in planning and discussions with all areas of the industry; golf courses, retail, equipment, green keeping supplies and equipment, media, travel and tourism, web design, social media as well as areas like human resources, accounting, business planning and general management to present an array of exhibitors thus attracting all involved in this game we love.


‘Thought-provoking and engaging speakers, lots to see and do with a plethora of exhibitions mixed with much time for networking and break-out sessions, and the chance to just catch up in what has been and still is, a trying time for us all’ noted Sullivan.


This is the first time that all the sectors of the golf industry have come together for a joint Conference and Trade Show and will provide the opportunity to network, share, and disseminate information about new initiatives, concepts, research, and best practices happening within the golf industry. Key partners to the conference include Golf New Zealand, The NZ PGA, NZ Golf Course Superintendents Association and Golf Managers Association of NZ. Registration for the conference will open on 1 January 2022.


About 2022

This is the first conference of its kind in New Zealand – and possibly the world. The initiative will bring together all the sectors of the golf industry so that delegates and attendees will have the opportunity to network amongst both New Zealand and international golfing peers.


Presentations will provide critical insights and lively debates on issues facing the golf industry now and moving into the future.


Presented by the New Zealand Golf Industry Council the conference incorporates the PGA of NZ, NZ Golf Course Superintendents Association and Golf Managers Association of NZ annual conferences.


About the Owners and Hosts of  Golf Matters 2022

The New Zealand Golf Industry Council (NZGIC) was founded in 2017 and established to encourage coordination and collaboration between organisations in the New Zealand Golf Industry to achieve the goal of growing the sport of golf.

Membership of the NZGIC is open to all organisations and interested individuals within the Golf Industry. For more information go to:


Contact for media & sponsorship enquiries

Denise Langdon

NZGIC Board Member


Tel: +64 (0)27 566 2385