Jane Kubala a coup for Taieri Lakes
Jane Kubala a coup for Taieri Lakes
By Neville Idour
Jane Kubala is the new general manager at Taieri Lakes Golf Club near Dunedin, having replaced Michael Ormandy who has decided to head overseas.
Caption: Jane Kubala who the new general manager at Taieri Lakes Golf Club.
Kubala is a coup given her previous golf administration success. After leaving school she did a polytech secretarial course and was always good at accounting and maths. Her work has mainly been in administration with her 15 years turning the Otago Golf Club around from debt ridden to thriving a standout. She loved it there but changing circumstances brought about her decision to leave a little over a year ago.
How did this opportunity at Taieri Lakes come about?
“One night out of the blue I got a message from one of the member's wives asking if I would be interested in becoming the general manager at Taieri Lakes.
``I said yes and next minute her husband rings and it just snowballed from there. I was excited about the thought of getting back into the golf industry because it is something I have always loved and enjoy.”
After interviews with three board members then 10 committee members it was a done deal.
“I started on the 1st of August and it was just like coming back to wearing some nice comfortable slippers. I am just loving being back in the environment. I’m looking forward to taking Taieri where they want to go in the future with their vision. Taieri Golf Club is amazing with the volunteers and support they have from their members. They have a great network within the club like most clubs. A lot of the members run their own competitions during the week so I am here to support them.”
So what does your role involve?
``I basically cover all areas. Administrator, golf shop, look after carts, the bar, manage the green staff. A bit of everything really. I love the variety of work that I have here. I am back to looking at the weather again after a year out of the industry. I wake up and if it is raining, I think bother, no golf today.”
Can you see ways to take the club further?
``The club would like me to bring the club into the 21st century with a growing membership and making sure everything is running smoothly. However I’m still getting my feet under the table and getting to know their systems. I have made a few changes already and the club is happy about that.”
Kubala says the club is in a strong position financially and there is an excellent spirit amongst the members.
``It is very positive. Membership of over 400 is good and they have quite big fields for Saturday club day. In winter we have 90 plus playing so it is going to be interesting in summer.”
As far as the pro shop is concerned, Kubala does not envisage stocking golf clubs and equipment as there are plenty of stockists elsewhere.
“We will look more at clothing, associated product and immediate needs like balls, tees and gloves. I would like to have more logo clothing available which is good advertising. What we had previously sold quickly.
Kubala is clearly well aware of the club’s needs and on that note we leave her smiling in her happy place.