NZ PGA and Golf NZ join forces

NZ PGA and Golf NZ join forces

Golf New Zealand and the Professional Golfers’ Association of New Zealand (PGA of New Zealand) have joined forces.

The agreement between golf's national body and the PGA of New Zealand will see an enhanced and cohesive approach to the delivery of services throughout the country, said a press release.

The release added that together, the PGA of New Zealand and Golf New Zealand are focused on inspiring increased participation in golf through a range of initiatives, programmes, education, and support services. To enhance outcomes, the two organisations have agreed to unite under a one workforce model that will create greater efficiency and increased positive impacts for golf. 

From the beginning of this month, Golf New Zealand will assume the operational delivery functions of the PGA of New Zealand, reporting to it's board under a wide-ranging services agreement. The PGA of New Zealand workforce will become embedded into the wider Golf New Zealand team collectively focused on operating in the best interests of the game. The Golf New Zealand team will also provide a wide range of additional services such as financial management, marketing, communications, golf operations and general administration support for the PGA membership.

The PGA of New Zealand board remains in place to ensure the enduring enhancement of the PGA brand, history, equity, and legal structures. The PGA of New Zealand board will set and approve PGA of New Zealand specific strategies and programmes and ensure strategy delivery for its members.

Golf New Zealand chief executive Dean Murphy said: “This is a significant moment for golf in New Zealand. We recognise the special role that PGA professionals play across all parts of the golf sector in New Zealand, and we want to see this role enhanced as we move into the future. 

“This new initiative will see our organisations join forces to drive enhanced outcomes for golf. The sport has such great opportunities in front of it, and I know by joining forces with the PGA of New Zealand, we will be able to deliver better results for our members and drive the sport to continue to thrive.”

PGA of New Zealand Chair Phil Ellison echoed Murphy’s thoughts.

Ellison said: “The PGA of New Zealand recognised the opportunity to enhance the game of golf and delivery to our members by utilising the skills and resources of Golf New Zealand. The PGA of New Zealand board believes that by focusing the PGA’s limited resources into strategy delivery and drawing on Golf New Zealand’s vast golf experience and resources that a better service and cohesiveness will be delivered to all golfers in NZ.” 

“Our goal is to focus on the enhanced delivery of our three strategic pillars being education, vocational golf and tournaments for our members. We are confident under this new structure we together will achieve far more through the whole than the sum of the parts.”

Golf New Zealand is committing significant investment into this delivery model, including up-weighting the PGA of New Zealand staffing structure with two new roles of PGA member services manager and a PGA tournaments coordinator. These two new roles will join two existing PGA education roles under the one workforce model will deliver enhanced outcomes for the PGA members and the greater golf community.