Hikurangi Golf Club’s Annual Daffodil Day Tournament
A very successful tournament was held Friday 25th September 2020 in support of the Northland branch of the Cancer Society’s 30th Daffodil Day appeal. Initially scheduled to be held on 28th August the event was postponed due to the gathering restrictions imposed under Level 2 lockdown. This was the 16th time the club has hosted this tournament with this year’s event raising more than $23,500 for the Cancer Society with the total raised through these events now in excess of $250,000, no mean feat for a club with less than 80 members.
The support received from local businesses and individuals was truly humbling given the uncertainty being experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic and far exceeded our expectations for this year’s event, with the amount raised being the largest since the event first started. We also acknowledge the support of the Hikurangi Mountain Lions Club for their assistance on the day which contributed $2,250 to the final total, and the participants for making the day a resounding success.
A total of 124 players on the day enjoyed excellent weather on a course presented in perfect condition. The Yellow Ball Team competition was won by the Flog Nobs team comprising John Jordan, Stu Rogers, Myles Stewart and Kevin (Red) Courtney with 39 points closely followed by the No.7 Espresso team comprising Gary Lynch, Rob Butler, Yvonne Hancock and Blue Mauchline and the Bull Bags team comprising Craig Morris, Barney Bennett, Now Sisson and Paul Mosely on 38 points. Individual stableford was won by Jenny Meara with 47 points, followed by Rob Dawson and Heather Woolhouse (44), Judith Mabbott and Craig Morris (41), Les Doidge (40), Peter Marshall (39) and Dallas Campbell, Ian Dunn, Barrie Pattison (38). Everyone remaining in the field received a prize.
We would like to acknowledge the support from the following businesses and individuals who through their generosity made this year’s event so successful (apologies if we missed anyone):
Hikurangi Mountain Lions Harrison Construction Real Estate with Pauline Dinsdale
4 Square Hikurangi Hikurangi Business Association Rebel Sports
A.E. & R BYLES Hikurangi Hotel Repco
Abacus Upholsters Hugh & Jean Tennant Reyburn & Bryant 1999 Ltd
Absolute Stainless Hunting & Fishing Ringrose Stockfoods
Andrew Campbell I Rentals Rob & Jane Anderson
Angela Ford Electrologist I.C. Ogle Ross Insulation
Architectural Services Northland Ltd Jean Charlesworth Rouse Motorcycles
Arnold Franks Jessie Rose Rowsells Collision Repair Centre
Automotive Solutions Kauri Jewellery Design Rural Direct
Avon Industries K&G Douglas Russell Turner Accountants
B Robertson Kamo Books & Gifts Northland Cleaning Supplies
Barrells 100% Kamo Club Northland Farm Services
Barry & Lorraine Dempster Kamo Dental Northland Insulation
Bayleys Kamo Denture Clinic Ltd NZ Safety Blackwoods
Binn Inn Kamo Kamo Hammer Hardware Omak Meats
Birt and Currie Surveyors Ltd Kamo Parts Orrs Pharmacy
Brian & Penny Coutts Kamo Testing Centre Salty Dog Bait
Brian Morgan Kamo Village Florist Scooters Plywood & Joinery
Briscoes Whangarei Katrina Whatmough Silver Fern Farms
Bryant Tractors Kauri Creations & inovations Ltd Sportclub Company
Brydon Electrical Kensington Pharmacy Steve Taylor Tyres
Buchannans Pharnacy Kensington Refrigeration Stonewood Homes
Busck Concrete Kensington Tavern Tait Real Estate
Coastal Accounting Lea Rig Farms Ltd Te Waiaua Farm
Colin Billington Lion Breweries The Bog Doc Ltd
Auction tables