Aorangi Golf - Pennants Holmes and Hayes Cups
Aorangi men's pennants was held recently at Gleniti Golf Club with both Holmes and Hayes Cups up for grabs.
In the Holmes Cup, top-seeded Ashburton took on second-seeded Tinwald in a Mid-Canterbury duel. The match earlier in the year went the way of Ashburton and Tinwald was well aware of this heading into the day. A fast start was needed and that's what Tinwald got, leading in three matches at the halfway point. Nigel Heney was the first to get points on the board after beating Jeff Hewitt on the 15th. Nigel and Dave King then polished off the fourball on the next and when Shane Moore won his match on the 17th, with the fourball, it was all done and dusted. Players finished out the remaining matches but the joy was apparent amongst the Tinwald team who waited seven years to lift the trophy again! Andrew Peck and Hamish Niles halved their match whilst Owen Miller got points on the board for Ashburton but ultimately Tinwald prevailed by a 7 - 3 margin.
The winning Tinwald team can be seen below with Shane Moore, Nigel Heney, Andrew Peck and Dave King (from left to right).