Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Results from Rangitikei GC:

Wednesday 14th June - Comp Stableford:

Stella Berendt 37pts, Dan Scotson 36pts, Pat McCarthy 35pts,

Neil Atkins & Simon Mitchell 34pts, Bruce Kinloch, Bob Pittaway,

Geoff Ingram & Cynthia Luckham  33pts. Lynne McDonald &

Pat Pearce 32pts, Garry Edwards 31pts.

Twos: Garry Edwards 3rd, Stella Berendt & Karen Yorke 12th.

Best Stable ford on 17, 18 & 1 = Dan Scotson 7pts.


Results from Rangitikei GC:

Saturday 17th June - Comp Medal;


Ron Harris net 71, Mike Hill net 74,

Richard Norton & Ken Boyle net 78.


Joe Yorke net 70, Stella Berendt net 73,

Joseph Tapper net 75, Simon Mitchell net 76,

Varina Mitchell, Liz Kinloch & Stew de Burgh net 77.

Twos: Cynthia Luckham 12th.

Closest to Pin on 12th: Cynthia Luckham

Lucky Draw: Richard Holden.

Saturday 3rd June - Competition Par:


Kelvin Burt - 2, Ron Harris -3, Jason Harris -4

Pete Masters - 5 [by lot]


Greg Baker & Varina Mitchell sq, Dan Scotson -1,

Cynthia Luckham - 2, Simon Mitchell & 

Chris Duffy -3, Richard Holden -4.

Twos: Richard Norton & Alan Wix - 3rd.


Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Ken Bayne 41 pts, Bob Pittaway 40pts, Tim Wales,

Kelvin Burt & Cynthia Luckham 37pts, Dan Scotson

& Garry Edwards 35pts, Lynne McDonald, Ron Harris,

Geoff Ingram & Chris Duffy 34pts, Scott Ewens,

Jason Bowles & Simon Mitchell 33pts.

Twos; Kelvin Burt & Garry Edwards - 16th

Hole in One - 12th: Ken Bayne

Lucky Draw: Edith Leary


Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Saturday 10th June - Competition Stableford:


Scott Ewens 40pts, Geoff Ingram 36pts,

Sean Khov & Ron Harris 34pts.


Greg Baker 37pts, Bill Ward 35pts, Wendal Masters,

Richard Holden, Marcus Anderson & Bronwyn Ewens 32pts,

Stew de Burgh & Chris Duffy 30pts. [Both on countback]

Twos: Geoff Ingram - 12th.

Closest to Pin on 5th - Jason Harris

Lucky Draw: Kevin Taylor.