Results from Rangitikei Golf Club

Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Saturday 4th November - Comp Medal & Stableford:

Toyota Cup Winners:

Ladies Best net - Jill Hall net 67,

Mens Best Net -  Jullian Elliot net 62.

Best Stableford Trophy - Bruce Kinloch 41pts.

Toyota Finance Trophy: Jamie Denholm


Graeme Stephens, Karen Yorke & Tim Wales 40pts, Sean Khov 39pts,

Phil Wood 38pts, Kevin Smith& Alan Wix 35pts, Martin Field, Ron Harris

& Scott Ewens 33pts.


Varina Mitchell 40pts, Joseph Tapper & Joe Yorke 39pts, Liz Kinloch,

Wendal Masters & Joe Yorke 37pts, Neville Berendt 34pts,

Kirsty Gledhill, Clive Robinson, Jamie Gledhill & Bill Ward 33pts.

Twos: Peter Thompson, Tim Wales, Joe Ferrier & Alan Wix - 3rd

Phil Wood - 5th, Liz Kinloch - 12th, & Kirsty Gledhill - 16th.

Closest to Pin 3rd: Bruce Kinloch

Closest to Pin 16th: Bruce Kinloch

Lucky Draw: Richard Holden.

Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Wednesday 1st November - Comp Stableford:

Garry Edwards 41pts, Neville Berendt & Bob Pittaway 4opts,

Jullian Elliott & Stew de Burgh 38pts, Jason Bowles & Steve Ryan 37pts,

Clive Robinson, Cynthia Luckham, Geoff Ingram, Edith Leary, &

Martin Field 36pts, Stella Berendt & Tania Harpur 35pts,

Bryan Northcott, Ross Greener, Norm Rackham & Chris Deighton 34pts.

Twos: Garry Edwards 12th & 16th, Marty Field & Michelle Mossop 3rd.


Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Sunday 29th October - Comp Medal:


Alan Wix net 68, Pete Masters net 72, Karen Yorke,

Ann Carroll & Matt Carroll net 74, Kelvin Burt, 

Peter Thompson net 75, Graeme Stephens net 77.


Wendal Masters net 69, Joe Ferrier & John Luckham net 71,

Cynthia Luckham net 72, Richard Holden, Dan Scotson &

Varina Mitchell net 77.

Twos: Simon Mitchell - 12th & Steve Conner - 16th.

Closest to Pin - 16th: Simon Mitchell