The Little Golf Course That Could.
The Little Golf Course That Could.
By Shaun Fay
It’s been a tough few years for the little golf course that could. Whangamata’s Williamson Golf Course. Opened on December 22, 1968, it fast become a major town attraction both for play and social events. The club flourished for many years, long after the Titoki- the main course opened in ’82 and those club rooms have many stories to tell. However, times were changing, and trouble was on the way. The big sections on the fringe of the course were being divided and developed. While the club was covered by insurance, several of the new builds were young families and the idea of little Johnny on the trampoline dodging Callaway’s didn’t appeal. The members of course rebelled with “The course was there first”. But the danger was obvious and changes had to be made.
It was decided to shorten some of the par 4’s and create a special 9-hole, par 3 course. At the same time many of those trees planted in 1968 were nearing the end of their life and becoming dangerous. Add on a clubrooms that was well past its prime and Williamson was a long way from its glory days.
Williamson Beer Garden
Then it started to rain. Whangamata’s storm water drainage problem is well documented, but the course for several years copped it more than most. Major earthworks were required which meant further disruption and frustration for members. But, golf courses are always a work in progress, golfers simply borrow the course and it’s the long game not the short game that has to be considered. The foresight of long-gone committees and the relentless devotion of volunteers has slowly turned the course around and now with the towns ageing population and time poor workers this little golf course is fast reinventing itself. The option of a 1.5-to-2-hour game, a totally reinvented clubrooms, updated tee booking technology and a much safer course is proving increasingly attractive. Even some of those moaning members are even beginning to smile. With spring and summer not that far off, the club is set to become the new spot for fun with the outdoor beer garden ready to welcome all. Congratulations Williamson Golf Course and may you have another wonderful 75 years.
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