Results from Rangitikei Golf Club

Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Wednesday 11th October - Competition Stableford:

Virginia Ryan 43pts, Alan Wix, Dion Hawkins & Jason Bowles 40pts,

Lynne McDonald, Willie Doughty, Kelvin Burt & Joe Yorke 38pts,

Ross Greener & Stew de Burgh 37pts, Edith Leary & 

Bob Pittaway 36pts, Joseph Tapper, Roy Brider, Jullian Elliott,

Garry Edwards & Clive Robinson 35pts.


Bob Pittaway & Jason Bowles - 3rd, Ron Harris - 16th,

Pat McCarthy & Willie Doughty - 12th.

Lucky Draw: Bruce Kinloch


Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Saturday 14th October - Competition PAR:

Ross Greener +5, Pete Maters +3, Kelvin Burt + 2, Joe Yorke &

Joe Ferrier +1, Clayton Batt & Wendal Masters sq, John Luckham,

Dan Scotson, Geoff Ingram, Cynthia Luckham, Greg Baker &

Kenny Boyle -1.

Twos: Joe Ferrier - 3rd, Kelvin Burt - 5th & Jullian Elliott -12th.

Closest to the Pin on 3rd: Kenny Boyle

Lucky Draw: Stew de Burgh.


Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Wednesday 18th October - Competition Stableford:

John Luckham 39pts, Jason Bowles & Geoff Ingram 36pts.

Neville Berendt 35pts, Lynne McDonald 34pts, Garry Edwards,

Neil Atkins & Karen Yorke 33pts.

Twos: Geoff Ingram - 3rd.

Wednesday 20th September - Comp is Stableford:

Pat Pearce 40pts, Bryan Northcott & Ken Bayne 39pts [RIP Ken],

David Cameron 38pts, Jim Wallace, Garry Edwards & Karen Yorke 37pts,

Judy MacPherson, Bruce Kinloch, Neville Berendt, Stew de Burgh

& Neil Atkins 36pts, Don MacPherson, Bob Pittaway, Ron Harris,

Jason Bowles. Jullian Elliott, Barry Auckrum, Cynthia Luckham,

& Dion Hawkins 35pts, Michael Wyeth, Joe Yorke, Edith Leary

Clive Robinson & Alan Wix 34pts.


Ron Harris - 3rd, Kelvin Burt, Alan Wix & Willie Doughty - 5th.


No Results from 24th/09, 27th/09 and 30th/09 as inclement weather

and no golf played on those days

Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Wednesday 13th September - Comp Stableford:

Garry Edwards & Stella Berendt 39pts, Bruce Kinloch 38pts,

Greg Baker 37pts, Ron Harris & Lynne McDonald 36pts,

Roy Brider & Danny O'Connell 35pts, Neville Berendt,

Pat Pearce, Kelvin Burt & Wallace Miller 34pts, Ken Bayne,

Cynthia Luckham & Noel Crocker 33pts.

Twos: Kelvin Burt - 5th.

Lucky Draw: Dan Scotson


Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Saturday 16th September - Comp Stableford:


Keren Yorke 36pts, Ron Harris 35pts, Jill Hall &

Kelvin Burt 34pts.


Neville Berendt & Joe Ferrier 38pts, Bill Ward, Noel Crocker

& Liz Kinloch 36pts, Jullian Elliott 34pts, Wendal Masters,

Richard Holden, Lynne McDonald & Stella Berendt 33pts.

Twos: Kelvin Burt 3rd & Bill Ward 12th.

Closest to Pin on 12th: Kelvin Burt

President Team v's Club Captain's Team: 

Winners were Club Captains Team.

Results from Rangitikei Golf Club:

Saturday 2nd September - Comp Par:


Richard Norton +3, Sean Khov +1, Phil Wood sq, Pete Masters &

Kenny Boyle -1, Alan Wix & Scott Ewens -2.


Simon Mitchell & Varina Mitchell +4, Greg Baker +3, Joe Yorke +2,

Stew de Burgh & Dan Scotson [by lot] sq,

Twos: Phil Wood - 16th

Closest to the Pin on 16th: Phil Wood

Lucky Draw: Polly Perkins